Mon. Jan 20th, 2025

If you’re not quite ready to get your components authorized, you might be wondering: What is collagen exactly? The most prevalent necessary protein in your body is collagen. It is found in the skin, bones, and cartilage. An essential protein, or any essential chemical, is by definition something your body need to survive but is unable to manufacture on its own without assistance. Stated differently, it must come from your surroundings or food. Although some meals high in amino acids might cause your body to create collagen, the only way to add collagen to your body is to consume it whole (vegans, take note).

Read More: kosher collagen powder

What advantages does collagen offer?

The human body may benefit greatly from these proteins in a number of ways. Collagen is said to provide several health advantages, including as lowering inflammation, preventing bone and joint disorders, and lessening the aging process of skin, nails, and hair. Due of the humectant nature of collagen, it does this through hydration. In other words, it prevents wrinkles and dryness by binding water to the cells, giving the appearance of young. Although consuming collagen-containing foods or supplements may not be any different from consuming any other type of protein, according to a publication from Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health[2], there is still reason to think of collagen as a healthy food ingredient.

It makes sense why businesses go through unnecessary hoops, such as the one you’ll shortly read about. However, there are a few more fundamentals to go over before we continue. Fundamental elements, as it were.

What Are Peptides of Collagen?

As a consumer or a professional in the food sector, the term collagen will be used in conjunction with a number of other terms. Peptides are a well-liked example. You might be thinking, what exactly are peptides? For a moment, go back to your primary school science class. You now know that amino acids are the tiny building components that make up protein, an important nutrient. Amino acids join together to generate peptides. When peptide strands are assembled in the proper order and length, proteins are created. Collagen peptides are essentially fragments of the collagen protein.

Where were collagen supplements first available?

In the health and wellness industry, collagen peptides are a well-liked product that are frequently offered as powdered supplements. They are frequently found in drink mixes, functional meals, coffee, and powdered creamer. They are also widely used in cosmetic applications such as lotions, creams, and other skin care products that moisturize the skin from the outside in.

However, many civilizations have been consuming collagen through meat or fish stews and bone broths from the beginning of time (Jewish Penicillin, anyone?). This was before artificial supplements were ever created. The most often used types in the manufacturing sector are marine (fish), porcine (pork), and bovine (beef). Gelatin, the cooked version of collagen, is created during the boiling process when collagen is taken from the bones, skin, and connective tissue. This produces a slightly altered chemical structure that is appropriate for various uses.

However, the procedure of extracting collagen for mass production differs greatly from that of making chicken soup. especially in the event that it is kosher. Let’s examine that procedure in more detail and its significance.

Why are we so picky about collagen and gelatin acceptance?

Businesses from almost every industry turn to Kosher for the most renowned kosher certification programs available worldwide. Furthermore, we only provide a limited list of vendors in response to inquiries from those seeking suggestions for kosher collagen or gelatin. We only suggest companies whose kosher procedures we either oversee or endorse. However, what makes making kosher collagen so difficult?

The production process itself requires extra workers, a complex tracking system, and several precise procedures. This regrettably gives producers and even other certifiers the chance to disregard kosher legislation. There are serious repercussions for some of those indulgences. These guidelines are set by experts in the subject of kosher law. Furthermore, the process of producing kosher collagen involves several complex procedures. Any one of them may endanger the entire output since they are all so delicate. That can result in significant waste and financial loss.

So, in some way, is that unapproved collagen still kosher? As you’ll hear a lot in Kosher Law: it’s not so easy. To sum up, though, you probably don’t want it if we don’t take it. We won’t tolerate mediocrity, despite the fact that our motto is Kosher Without Compromise. We would rather certify a small number of excellent items than a large number of inferior ones.