Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

1. Exceptionally tidy

In many cases, dry ice blasting is a more successful and efficient cleaning method. Facilities are able to extend the lifespan of their current equipment by cleaning machinery and equipment faster. Spot cleaning and preventive maintenance can also be performed more regularly without compromising output.

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Alternative cleaning techniques may require labor-intensive disassembly and may be inefficient, expensive, detrimental to pricey assets, and hazardous to the environment. Secondary trash and the associated delay of standard cleaning are eliminated by dry ice blasting. It increases asset life and utilization rates by minimizing production downtime.

Product quality is also enhanced by dry ice washing. Ensuring that finished items are defect-free requires getting rid of impurities that build up on production equipment, such resin that accumulates on plastic molds. This reduces scrap and aids in maintaining correct machine alignment.

2. Organize internally

Dry ice cleaning eliminates the need for aqueous or chemical solutions and generates no secondary waste, enabling in-place tool and equipment cleaning without the need for labor-intensive disassembly and reassembly. When equipment is still in operation, pollutants including paints, oils, biofilms, release agents, and manufacturing residues can be eliminated by dry ice blasting.

Reducing shutdowns and increasing productivity may be achieved by facilities through in-place equipment cleaning.

3. Abrasive-free

Because it is such a gentle medium, dry ice can clean most surfaces without causing any damage. On the Mohs Hardness Scale, it is between a 1.5 and a 2. (see below). Sensitive surfaces like printed circuit boards, plastic molds, and electronic equipment can be cleaned using dry ice without etching, profiling, or altering the surface’s proportions. This increases the equipment’s lifespan and lowers the possibility that machinery may be harmed while cleaning.

By adjusting the dry ice’s particle size and exit velocity, operators of dry ice blasting equipment may further regulate how aggressive the material is. A softer clean results from smaller particles and slower acceleration.

4. Enhanced productivity

Dry ice blasting enables facilities to more effectively manage their resources by lowering the amount of time, manpower, and materials required for cleaning tasks.

Hand cleaning methods involving dangerous chemicals or abrasive instruments like scrapers and chisels are laborious, time-consuming, and need many workers to complete the task. Operators frequently have to remove machinery in order to access confined locations and must wait for equipment to cool down before starting the cleaning procedure.

Facilities can clean more quickly and easily with only one person thanks to dry ice blasting.

5. Absence of secondary waste

There is no additional trash produced during the dry ice cleaning procedure. When dry ice comes into contact with a surface that has to be cleaned, it sublimates, or goes back to its gaseous condition, leaving no residue or additional moisture behind. This removes the need for further cleanup, secondary waste stream disposal, and cleaning preparatory steps like covering sensitive sensors or wrapping electronic parts before cleaning. Equipment may be cleaned while it is online and still functional thanks to the elimination of secondary waste.

When cleaning hazardous items using water or solid grit media, the cleaning media also becomes hazardous and needs to be handled, disposed of, and reported to the appropriate authorities.

6. Conscientious about the environment

Reclaimed CO2 is utilized to make the dry ice used in the dry ice cleaning procedure. As a byproduct of other industrial operations, this CO2 is produced, collected, and recycled. Dry ice blasting does not contribute to the greenhouse effect since it neither produces CO2 nor adds more CO2 to the atmosphere.

The FDA, USDA, and EPA have all authorized dry ice as a medium. It is safe to use near food and is neither poisonous nor dangerous. Colorless, tasteless, and odorless is what dry ice is.

Dry ice blasting offers the ecologically friendly solution whether you require a dry cleaning, want to use less water or chemicals, or want to improve cross-contamination prevention programs or sanitation.

7. Increased security for operators

For those doing the cleaning, dry ice blasting is the favored way. Manual cleaning is one of the laborious and back-breaking methods. The polluted parts don’t need to be physically scraped and scrubbed thanks to dry ice cleaning.

Other techniques that involve the use of hazardous agents, such chemical cleaning and sandblasting, can be detrimental to the worker as well as the surroundings. Chemical cleaning solutions are not necessary when using dry ice cleaning because it is non-toxic.

8. Reach into and tidy small areas

Because dry ice blasting has a low surface tension, it may effectively and thoroughly clean microscopic, intricate geometries.

Using traditional ways to clean small or difficult-to-reach locations is typically useless.

9. Tidy up quicker

For most cleaning applications, dry ice blasting will yield a cleaner surface more quickly than other techniques. These cleaning techniques can take far longer than dry ice cleaning when the time and materials needed for waste containment and collection are taken into account.

By enabling equipment to be cleaned online while remaining at operational temperature, dry ice blasting also saves time. This cuts down on the amount of time needed to let the equipment cool down, disassemble it, move it to a clean location, and then put it back together.

10. Range of cleaning uses

Dry ice blasting offers a quicker and more efficient cleaning option for any production setting, from oil rigs to bakery equipment. For a list of all the industries that dry ice blasting benefits, click this link.

In addition to satisfying industry and governmental regulatory requirements, dry ice cleaning systems may assist a variety of institutions in achieving their goals for efficiency, quality, and service.