Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

1. Don’t hesitate to flaunt them.

Keep your gift cards visible! Put them in a noticeable spot, perhaps next to other mementos you sell or beside your register. This may be displayed prominently in your business or on a high shelf.

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If you run a restaurant, you absolutely must have them beside the desserts and by the register. This way, when a satisfied client returns for dessert, they may tell their friends about the experience while it’s still fresh in their thoughts.

2. Present them in attractive packaging

Nobody enjoys having to travel someplace else in order to prepare your gift card for giving. Purchase some elegant envelopes (ideally with your logo on the inside) and prepare a pen. In this manner, a person may quickly pick up, sign, seal, and send a gift card.

3. Make them festively themed.

Ask your supplier how long in advance you should purchase gift cards during the Christmas season after you receive your first few gift card shipments and note how long they took to arrive.

During the holidays, the last thing you want is to run out of supplies. After you’ve established these deadlines, be sure to plan ahead and place orders well in advance for all the holidays that affect your company. And don’t forget about Christmas!

4. Promote them during the Christmas season

Transcend merely setting up gift cards on display during the busiest holiday or peak shopping seasons.

For instance, if you sell flowers, it would be a fantastic idea to promote your gift cards on social media and send out emails two weeks before to Mother’s Day.

Using platforms like Shopify and Stripe, you could even incorporate them as an automated upsell that appears in your online cart.

5. Make use of consumer segmentation and social advertising

To fully capitalize on the possibilities of gift cards, integrate your POS and CRM.

What if you offered gift cards to consumers who have connected with your postings on Facebook and Pinterest on a regular basis, or if you had an automated email that was sent to anybody who has spent more than $100 with you in the previous month?

You have a lot of options here.

6. Distribute some

Don’t be scared to reward your best clients with gift cards to entice them to bring others. Alternately, you might donate some to regional nonprofits to be distributed at events.

To attract folks in the door, you might also mail gift vouchers to those who have relocated nearby. There are countless opportunities!

7. Provide gift certificates rather than a refund.

Giving a complete refund in the form of a card rather than requesting a chargeback is a cunning strategy to take use of the marketing possibilities of cards. This makes things simpler for your company, save you the hassle of having to cancel a transaction, and entices the client to return.

FAQ for business gift cards

How do you pick the best program for gift cards?

Make sure the software fits into your overall company plan and interacts properly with your current point of sale system.

The easiest and most popular way to accomplish this is to use a reputable merchant services provider.

Does the design of the gift card generally come with it?

The merchant services provider will choose this, but generally speaking, they provide alternatives or pre-designed templates, or you may submit your own design.

How may one obtain actual gift cards?

Every MSP you select need to collaborate with a partner. If not, you will need to place separate orders for the cards and software.

In what way are physical gift cards sold and loaded?

This is made simple via POS integration, and it works in a manner similar to that of accepting debit and credit cards. To load money and accept gift cards, all you have to do is combine swiping with POS keystrokes.

How do electronic gift cards function?

They are purchased similarly to any other digital goods and interface directly with your payment gateway, which makes it simple to monitor your gift card sales statistics. Following that, the user receives a special product code that they may use to adjust their balance.

Certain providers allow the user to send a “gift email” along with the gift card straight to the recipient’s email address. Alternatively, you might arrange for consumers who purchase physical cards online to send themselves the cards or come by the store to pick them up.

How can you maximize the profit from gift card sales?

To begin with, it is imperative that they be advertised over the holiday seasons. Apart from that, it’s a good idea to make the checkout procedure as simple as possible on your website and to have them visible at the register or in your actual store, if you have one.

What distinguishes open-loop and closed-loop gift cards?

The words “closed loop” and “open loop” may have popped up when you were looking for gift cards.

Closed-loop gift cards are exclusive to a retailer, simpler to personalize and market for your own enterprise. Customers are limited to using them in your store.

Open-loop gift cards are redeemable at a number of establishments and are unique to the credit card processor. This is more akin to, say, a pre-loaded VISA card.

When most people imagine a gift card program, they generally think of closed-loop gift cards, which work well for small businesses. Furthermore, being closed-loop does not prevent you from subsequently taking part in an open-loop program.

Open-looped systems work well for large, varied organizations and franchisees. This allows you to provide gift cards that are redeemable at several physical locations rather than just one for each of your brands.

Do transactions on gift cards incur fees?

Depending on the kind of gift card that you accept. Although closed-loop cards only have the standard costs that apply when a consumer purchases the card, open-loop cards can provide the lowest rates provided by the card association (Visa, Mastercard, etc.).

The final word? Not really. And the advantages of selling gift cards far surpass any expenses you may incur.

In summary

Really, there isn’t a valid argument against gift cards. They are affordable, easy to get, attract new clients, and support consistent sales even during slow months.

As previously said, we provide wonderful gift cards with design help at reasonable, clear costs. If you’re prepared to go forward, we would be delighted to speak.