Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Throughout their life, children will retain the water safety skills they acquire in swim classes! But they’ll gain more than just that. These 16 strategies can help kids achieve amazing outcomes in the pool and beyond with swim instruction!

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1. Provides Water Safety Instruction

The goal of everything we do at Goldfish Swim School is to teach children how to be safety in and around the water. For this reason, we incorporate water safety into every class and start teaching children how to swim from the age of four months!

Drowning continues to be the greatest cause of injury-related mortality for children ages 1-4 and the second highest cause of death for children ages 5-14, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Additionally, swim lessons have been demonstrated to lower the chance of drowning by 88%, even though drowning prevention involves layers of protection!

When deciding if your child will benefit from taking swim lessons, even if you believe they “know” how to swim, make sure you can answer “yes” to each of these ten questions.

Goldfish At Home is a free YouTube series of virtual dry-land swim lessons that we just developed in an attempt to make sure more families have access to tools and information about water safety. Free, entertaining, and engaging W.A.T.E.R. safety lectures are provided by many of our swim schools to neighborhood elementary schools, childcare centers, and other community groups.

2. Offers Exercise

All year long, swimming may be an enjoyable method to keep your kids active and healthy. Although swimming is well recognized as an excellent low-impact cardiovascular workout, it offers several other health advantages, such as enhancing strength, endurance, flexibility, balance, and more!

The indoor pools at Goldfish Swim Facilities are an extra advantage that makes winter swim instruction possible. It follows that children can exercise just as much in the winter as they do in the summer!

3. Promotes Heart Health

Swimming is one of the finest exercises for cardiovascular health since it trains your heart and lungs to function more harmoniously. Your heart has to work less to pump blood and oxygen throughout your body as a consequence.

4. Enhances Lung Abilities

The ability to manage one’s breath is one of the most important skills taught to swimmers from an early age. This helps them expand their lung capacity. As a result, oxygen can circulate throughout the body and produce energy more effectively.

5. Strengthens Endurance

Swimming is an activity that strengthens the heart and works every muscle group. Better endurance and stamina follow from this, and it also creates the conditions for exceptional performance in any other activity!

6. Increases Muscle

Your tiny fish will work muscular areas that they would not have otherwise had the opportunity to build during swim classes. They will use various muscles to pull, kick, and glide through the water with each swim stroke they master.

7. Facilitates Digestion

Not to sound too technical, but movement is also necessary for the proper operation of our digestive system. Swimming gives youngsters the mobility they need to help with digestion and open things up. Think of food as a marble and your child’s digestive tract as the narrow passageway that the marble must travel through.

8. Enhances Sleep

Children appear to have boundless energy, and although you would think they would burn it off during the day, swimming is a great method for kids to exercise ALL of their muscles!

9. Boosts Vitality

Although it may seem illogical, swimming can really boost energy and promote better sleep. An item at rest stays at rest, and an object in motion stays in motion, as we were taught in science class. It might feel like all your youngster wants to do is sit around all day playing on their iPad or watching TV. However, once you have them moving, they’ll want to keep up their active behavior.

10. Lessens Anxiety & Stress

Swimming is good for the body, but it also helps lower stress levels, according to research.

The majority of individuals find that being in the water has a soothing impact, whether it’s the smooth glide or the tranquil sensation of floating. However, there are other explanations for why swimming is considered a stress-relieving sport.

People are generally happier and healthier when they are active. This is because physical activity lowers cortisol, the stress hormone, and produces endorphins, the brain’s natural feel-good chemicals. As a result, just a few laps around the pool will naturally make your heart race and fill you with happiness.

Additionally, children who enroll in swim classes at Goldfish Swim School have even more reasons to celebrate! Our award-winning tropical setting and warm, inviting pools provide for an entertaining backdrop against which youngsters may develop amazing things. Furthermore, kids that like a pastime are probably going to be happier off the pool as well.

11. Enhances Recollection

The area of the brain linked to learning and memory is also strengthened by exercise. As your children become proficient in the backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle, and butterfly, consider the positive effects it is having on their minds as well as their bodies.

12. Encourages Academic Achievement

Two essential components of a child’s cognitive development are learning via supervised play and a secure environment. Young children that start swimming at a young age surpass their classmates in both physical and mental milestones, according a Griffith University research. It is thought that the kind of instruction and sensory learning that young children experience in swim classes carries over nicely into the classroom.

13. Enhances Motor Ability

Research has shown that children under the age of five who swim, especially from an early age, do better in language expressiveness and visual motor abilities. Indeed, from the beginning of their classes until they were five years old, infants who took swim lessons showed improved balance and motor abilities, according to a research from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

14. Enhances Focus

Swimming requires a great deal of mental and physical coordination. There’s not much room for other attention because of the emphasis on breath control, arm pulls, and leg kicks. Consequently, children become laser-focused on honing their swimming abilities and see remarkable outcomes – learning that attention truly does matter to their success!

15. Develops Character

You may already be aware that swim classes help children develop a lifelong skill of water safety, but did you know swimming may also impart other important life skills to your children? Along with learning different swim strokes and water safety practices, students will gain knowledge about persistence, hard effort, resilience, and much more!

16. Encourages Self-Belief

We are aware that kids sometimes feel a bit uneasy in unfamiliar situations and the water. Letting off of the wall and doing those initial few pulls and kicks toward the other side of the pool can be scary for beginning swimmers.

For this reason, Wave has developed a warm and secure environment where children can conquer their concerns, learn to swim, develop a respect for the water, and have a great time doing it. Kids develop self-assurance and belief in their talents with each kick, stroke, and breath because minor victories build up to a big sense of success.

Life is, after all, just one huge pool full of lessons that stretch us, mold us, and take us beyond of our comfort zones. Our goal is to empower children to take risks and develop life skills that will enable them to succeed not only in the pool but also in other areas of their lives!